Nick and Matt Jackson, better known as The Young Bucks, recently appeared as guests on Colt Cabana’s The Art Of Wrestling podcast for an in-depth interview. Below are some of the highlights.

On the current group of The Bullet Club being the best of all-time:

Matt Jackson: “When [Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, and AJ Styles] left, that’s why we formed The Elite. We were planning the next phase. And this is easily the biggest The Bullet Club has ever been and it’s my favorite [lineup]. I just tweeted this last night, this is my favorite version of The Bullet Club by far! It’s the most chemistry we’ve ever had, I think.”

On getting online hate after their recent RAW Invasion:

Matt Jackson: “Oh my God, yeah. I’d say probably 50-50. I mean, the hatred was probably from people who don’t follow me on Twitter anyway or don’t even know who I am. They just heard about me from the invasion and all the people who love our show loved it. Do you know what I mean? So it’s either, ‘we love you,’ ‘you’re the greatest,’ ‘you’re changing the [pro wrestling] business’ or ‘I hate you and I want you to die.’ It’s one of the two. Why you mad at me? I’m trying to give people options here. Be mad about the 20 guys that signed with the other place!”

On what Kevin Owens told them to expect as they get more famous:

Nick Jackson: “Matt and I have had that specifically a lot lately and it’s crazy. I get comments that actually hurt my feelings. We actually talked with Kevin Owens about this and he was like, ‘the more you grow in popularity, [the more hate you get].'”

Check out the complete interview with The Young Bucks from The Art Of Wrestling podcast at