WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Stranger Things Season 2.
Before Stranger Things fans knew anything about the plot of Season 2, they had one request for the writers, Matt and Ross Duffer: Get justice for Barb. To their delight, Barb played a big role in the storyline for the new season and for the character arc of her best friend, Nancy Wheeler, played by Natalia Dyer.
While the actual cause of Barb’s death wasn’t revealed to her parents, as doing so would require divulging the existence of the Upside Down, her death was blamed on the Hawkins Lab. According to public record, Barbara Holland died due to an “experimental chemical asphyxiant, which had leaked from the grounds of the lab.” The Hollands hold a funeral and begin to get closure for their daughter.
Courtesy Netflix
But was it justice, per say? Dyer told InStyle that it wasn’t exactly the ending Nancy was looking for. “I think Nancy definitely felt a strong need to do something. I think getting the truth out was her way of doing something. Of course, you know, it’s kind of the truth that’s been watered down. For right now, for what she could do, I think she made some repairs. At least gave her parents some peace, finally had the funeral,” she said.
“In some ways, yes. I think it’s kind of a hard thing to really quantify as far as justice goes. It’s a very strange situation.”
RELATED: Natalia Dyer Looked Nothing Like Nancy at the Stranger Things Season 2 Premiere
While Barb got a “watered-down” version of justice, Nancy’s love triangle with Jonathan and Steve revved up in Season 2. While Steve became more and more likable with each episode, by the end of the season Jonathan was the object of Nancy’s affection. Will that remain the case in the next season?
Courtesy Netflix
“I think it’s open-ended. I think right now, obviously, there’s been some confusion between the triangle and where they stand with each other. Things are changing and shifting, and it’s hard to say what’s going to happen in Season 3, but I wouldn’t close the door on any possibilities,” Dyer said.
Nancy could get a few more seasons to explore her options: According to the Duffer brothers, Stranger Things is most likely headed toward a fourth or even a fifth season.
Courtesy Netflix
“I think, you know, four to five seasons is likely where we’ll end up, but who knows? I mean, none of this official, and we know where we want to go. We’re trying to figure out still how long it’ll take to get there, so we’ll see,” Ross told E! News.
“It’s hard, like four seems short, five seems long,” Matt added. “So I don’t know what to do.”
Dyer is certainly happy to continue in the role of Nancy, who she says is similar to her high school self—but a little more badass. “I think a lot of what we saw of Nancy in high school was a lot of me in high school. And you know, I think she’s very relatable in a way. She’s just trying to figure out who she is,” she said. “But she’s a lot more kickass than I am. I can’t shoot a gun. I have no idea what to do with a gun. She’s a little more single-minded in the sense of being determined or focused, and when she thinks something is right, she does it. I’m a little more like, well let’s consider all of our options. She’s fun to play, that’s for sure.”
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Season 2 certainly opens up more storylines to explore, including the introduction of Eleven’s “sister” Eight. “I think there’s a lot more to discover there, and a lot more history to uncover. Eight’s a character that we didn’t really get to interact with, so I think it’d be fun if she kind of squeezed her way into our Hawkins storyline,” Dyer told us.
And as for that final scene, showing the Shadow Monster alive and well in the Upside Down, Dyer says we’re still not done. “We’re not done here, and there are still mysteries. There are still unknowns, and it might not leave us alone until we really figure it out.”
Anyone else excited for Season 3?
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