Thanks to reader kidrai333 for sending this in!
1) The Usos successfully defended the Tag belts against Harper and Rowan.
2) Sheamus successfully defended the US title against the Miz.
3) Los Matadores and El Torito defeated 3MB (McIntyre/MahaL/Hornswoggle.
(Adam Rose and his Rosebuds also made an appearance during this match and
distracted Hornswoggle leading to El Torito getting the pin)
4) Bad News Barrett successfully defended the IC title against Big E.
5) Nikki Bella/Eva Marie defeated Aksana/Rosa Mendes.
6) Rusev defeated R Truth by submission with the accolade.
7) Cena hit an AA on Bray Wyatt for the win in a very competitive no DQ
match. Both the Usos and Harper/Rowan got involved in the match, tables and
chairs were also used.
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