The Met Gala red carpet was packed Monday night with over 130 celebrities all decked out in their “Heavenly Bodies” best. Many wore elaborate headpieces and ridiculously long trains, which turned the carpet into a bit of an obstacle course to manage. But for Kendall Jenner, something else was blocking her shot — a security guard.

In a hilarious video making the rounds on the Internet, one can see Jenner, 22, gently shoving a security guard that was about to invade her shot on the carpet while she posed for photographers in her all-white look. And as you can see from the photo, above, he still managed to sneak in there.

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Upon further inspection, it appears Jenner was just managing her space and making sure the guard didn’t collide with her as he was backing up, but Twitter users had some hilarious reactions to watching it all go down.

Jenner arrived with Off-White creative director Virgil Abloh who designed her angelic all-white look. She teamed an off-the-shoulder top with sheer gloves and “long train” couture pants.

Benjamin Lozovsky/BFA/Shutterstock

According to the press release her look was “reminiscent of an angelic cloud sought to signify Roman Catholicism in renaissance art – embodying purity and delicacy of a modern angel.” But some compared her look to Holy Communion (the theme centered around the Catholic church’s influence on fashion).

And others compared her extra long pants to toilet paper.

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No matter what Twitter had to say, Jenner loved her look and praised Abloh on Instagram with a photo of her long train writing, “thank you for my look tonight.”