Uttar Pradesh police has launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #ANoMeansNo to warn those who try to “force fit a yes in a woman’s no” on Saturday. Its tweet, viewed by over 55,000 people within hours, got over 1,000 likes, 386 retweets and 64 replies within two hours. ‘No means no’ is an antirape/harassment slogan that emphasises sexual consent.
The idea behind the campaign is to spread awareness, particularly among those who resort to eve-teasing and other crimes, despite opposition from a girl. Members of the team behind the campaign said that the idea originated from something similar used by a dating app in its promotional clip on social media. “We uploaded the video clip on UP Police’s official twitter handle on August 9 with the caption saying: Even an app understands the importance of consent, why can’t you? And it was an instant hit,” said a team member.
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