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John Cena and The Rock are at it again. The Rock posted the following Valentines Day message for John Cena on Tuesday:

“@JohnCena Happy Valentines Day John. You may not be my girl, but I do consider you my bitch. #BootsToCenasPinkParts”

John Cena responded to The Rock with a comeback that involves Cena-branded tampons and .. feminine wash:

“For those that didn’t get the “pink part” thing he once again is re referencing my mangina. So I propose this… Cena tampons. “That time of the month got u feeling bad, just put a lil Cena inside ya 🙂 he’ll make ya feel fine” #champax”

“Or Cena feminine wash. “Tough day south of the equator? Lather some Cena on there and they can’t smell you!” #massCENAgil :)”

“that’s the late nite act kiddos. Be back for the morning show at Metlife Stadium tomorrow. See u then movie star.”

* FUNKASAURUS Gimmick Dropped, MITB & PIPER’s PIT At WrestleMania