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Here are some tidbits that that I have learned over the years. If you are just staring out on the coaching journey it will get you going in the right direction and if you are an experienced coach it will serve as a reminder of things to do to be effective as well as food for thought.
Clearly define and delineate your core beliefs and make those beliefs the foundation of your coaching philosophy.
Make your coaching philosophy your guiding light – Live it!
Coach the person first, the athlete second.
Know what you know – know it better than anyone else.
Know what you don’t know – systematically reduce this through a directed learning plan.
Don’t be limited by what you do or you don’t know.
Find a mentor who has been doing what you want to do and has been doing for an expected period of time. Make sure it is someone who is willing to share mistakes as well as successes.
Read biographies of coaches and athletes, those that are great and not so great to learn what to do and what not to do.
Practice daily self-reflection.
Beware of false prophets bearing gifts (Especially if you have to pay). There are no secrets, no magic formulas or a secret sauce.
Beware of internet training porn, it is highly addictive.
You don’t enlist the army as a general. Be prepared to pay your dues. It takes ten years to be an overnight success.
Coaching is not an industry it is a profession, so treat it as such and be professional.
Know the science, but don’t be ruled by it.
More letters after you name does not make a better coach. Experiences trump certifications.
Eliminate the word can’t from your vocabulary. You can and you will. Find a way!
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