In an exclusive interview with Eurosport, Lyon President Jean Michel Aulas discussed his club’s current crisis and put pressure on manager Hubert Fournier.

We admittedly have a manager who lost three matches in a week and a team that is crumbling. To be frank, I was not supposed to go to Nantes but I cancelled my meetings so that I could be with my players. I had to show that I was there, to reassure them. I can not let it be thought that I practice a type of management without empathy. Otherwise I could lose players who could curl in on themselves. I spoke with them collectively and individually. Similarly, I will go to training on Friday to show them that the club is there with them…

…I am not putting pressure on anyone, I am just feeling the reality of the situation and I am listening to my players. When I see the way in which Beauvue left the pitch against Nantes and he did not shake the hand of his manager, that hurt me. Especially from a boy who has tripled his salary and who had been given the chance to play in the Champions League…

…For the moment, we are on the precipice being 3 points away from 2nd but also 3 points away from 10th. Everyone could be subjected to a decision that is not normal but could save the club. If things get worse, I will not remain a prisoner to my principles….

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