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— On today’s conference call with GFW management, the company declined to elaborate on Jeff Jarrett’s personal leave of absence, simply communicating the statement that they released yesterday. They also refused to comment on the story that broke today about Anthem bleeding money causing them to look into selling the wrestling promotion, which technically is Impact Wrestling.

— If Anthem Sports does in fact look to sell, the tape library is expected to be right at the top of the assets that suitors will want, namely WWE. Anthem currently owns the tape library that would include past matches for AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Bobby Roode, as well as Raw GM Kurt Angle which WWE would find extremely valuable.

— Perhaps the most interesting aspect of any sale that would involve WWE would be the possible inclusion of Impact’s intellectual property. If WWE bought all that, they would by default own the “Broken” trademarks, removing all obstacles for the Hardys to use that in WWE.