As we all know by now, Ethan Carter III (EC3) recently left Impact Wrestling and joined WWE. EC3 was shown on camera at NXT Takeover: Philadelphia last January 27 as he will be joining the NXT Roster. Newsweek recently interviewed EC3 about what led to his decision to leave Impact Wrestling and join WWE. While Impact Wrestling has a track record of financial problems, EC3 told Newsweek that that wasn’t a factor that led to his departure.
“My decision to leave Impact had nothing to with their business or finances and everything with me wanting to challenge myself to something new,” he said on January 23. “Leaving Impact was a very difficult decision as I had six months left on a very lucrative and talent-friendly contract. Anthem lived up to that contract and always treated me with the utmost respect as a businessman and a person.”
Don Callis & Scott D’Amore are part of the new executives that are working with Impact Wrestling. Callis said that the recent changes to Impact’s talent roster are good for the company.
“Change is good,” Callis said. “Yes, EC3 left, but Brian Cage came in, Johnny Impact was signed, Austin Aries came in.”
Talents like EC3, The Hardys, James Storm, Laurel Van Ness, Drew Galloway, Rockstar Spud, Mike Bennett, Maria Kanellis and announcer and producer Jeremy Borash have all left the company as of late. D’Amore, who has had previous roles in the company said that the new talent coming in are eager to fill the void left by others.
“This company has been a launching pad for people to come in and prove they’re stars and deserve the notoriety,” D’Amore said. “The Brian Cages, the Su Yungs, all these people coming in are going to be the next Bobby Roodes and Angelina Loves of the next generation.”
D’Amore also acknowledged that Impact needs to rebuild a buzz and following with its audience to get the company where it wants to be.
“In 2018, we’re re-establishing trust with the talent, with business partners, with fans,” he said. “You can’t fix it overnight. We’ve seen, historically, I call it the dangling carrot: ‘When we have this, everything’s going to be great.’ We’re going to roll up our sleeves and work hard. Slowly but surely we’re going to make progress. When we look back at the end of 2018, I think we’re going to be happy with the progress we’ve made.”
You can read the entire interview of EC3 here.
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