DEDHAM, MA — A gun shop slated to open in Dedham next month has some residents concerned over its proximity to a playground, a proposed sign that includes photos of guns, and an Instagram post the owner admitted was in poor taste. J&J Arms is scheduled to open in September at 224 Bussey St., about 500 feet from the playground at Condon Park.

“The gun store makes me feel unsafe in my own neighborhood,” Michelle Lapierre, who lives in the neighborhood, told Patch. “My children deserve a safe environment and it was my understanding when I chose East Dedham as my home that I was providing one.”

The impending store opening is happening at a time when lawmakers are again considering stricter gun-control measures following mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. At least 31 people died.

Dedham doesn’t have any zoning laws regulating gun stores. Outcry over the location of J&J Arms caused the Planning Board to schedule a meeting Thursday to discuss possibly adopting new regulations.

J&J Arms owner Joshua Cruz said he understands why people may feel the location isn’t great. He said safety is his priority.

“It is completely understandable that people may feel it is not the best location or time due to the last few acts of terror in our beloved country to open this type of a store,” Cruz wrote in an Instagram post. “Please rest assured our priority is firearm safety. Children are not allowed to enter the store unless they are accompanied by an adult.”

Residents were outraged over two recent Instagram posts on the store’s account. One depicted an older woman wearing lingerie telling a boy, “See that wasn’t so bad was it? Now, let’s go get that H&K P7 you wanted.” The picture was taken down, and Cruz apologized and said it was in “extremely poor taste.” He said the point was to show that this is the wrong way to buy guns, rather than at a legal store.

The other picture, which is still up, was taken around Easter and depicts a gun painted in Easter colors on the ground among Easter eggs.

“Stay legal stay safe?” one commenter wrote. “Is that really your hashtag? With a photo of a gun alongside eggs left for kids to find on Easter? Wtf.”

Dedham resident Kathleen O’Neil said the Instagram posts are alarming.

“I am not opposed to a safe, well-run gun shop in a commercial zone, such as the Police Supply store on Route 1,” O’Neil told Patch. “I have major concerns about the experience and integrity of the proprietor due to some appalling posts on the company’s Instagram feed.”

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Cruz’s attorney Andrew Couture told Patch the store passed all federal and state regulations and his client’s business is “a lot more than just a store.” He said Cruz intends to teach firearm safety courses.

“It’s unfortunate people are upset,” Couture said. “This is a constitutional issue we’re dealing with.”

Town Planner Jeremy Rosenberger said residents have reached out to him because they don’t like the sign Cruz plans to use because it includes images of two guns. Rosenberger said the Supreme Court has already ruled cities and towns cannot regulate the content of signs for residents and business owners because it would violate the First Amendment. He said the Design Review Board can regulate the sign’s height and size of images and lettering. The Design Review Board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, where Cruz will propose the sign.

J&J Arms will be the second gun store in Dedham. AAA Police Supply is located on Route 1.