The Democratic National Committee’s newly-installed chair, Tom Perez, has asked for the resignations of all the organization’s staffers—a reorganization Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says is “absolutely” needed.
The call for the resignations, with a deadline of April 15, comes “as the DNC attempts a makeover following the 2016 election cycle that left many in the party jaded not only about Democrats’ electoral prospects, but the party’s campaign competency” as Slate puts it.
The development was expected. CNN writes:
NBC News adds:
A review committee is already underway looking at new potential staffers “to help decide not only who will stay and who will go, but how the party should be structured in the future,” NBC News writes. And that transition committee’s make-up, as the Washington Post‘s PowerPost blog wrote earlier this month, is being met with skepticism by some Sanders backers.
A full overhaul is exactly Sen. Bernie Saners, (I-Vt.) who had backed Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) in the DNC race, thinks is in order.
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