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Episode 219 of Being The Elite began with Dark Order celebrating on a lawnmower. Mr. Brodie Lee led a “f*ck Hangman” chant. 

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Other highlights from the episode included: 

The Young Bucks shilled their book, then went to Wal Mart in search of their action figures. They found several Kenny Omega figures and a Cody but no Young Bucks. 
John Silver and Stu Grayson argued over who was the best kisser in Dark Order. Anna Jay came to collect a debt from Grayson. Alex Reynolds and Alan Angels argued over who was the real hair guy in the group. Reynolds showed Mr. Brodie Lee what his million dollars worth of tap dancing lessons bought him. 
Matt Jackson tried to make up for blowing the Chili’s deal by bringing The Elite some Cracker Barrel for lunch. They all flipped him off. 
Colt Cabana got all the gold off his face but said he still needed reconstructive surgery. He approached Britt Baker for help but she said she wouldn’t help Colt because he’s a dumbass. 
The Initiative argued about how to win matches. Leva Bates suggested that Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon follow her lead and compromise instead of being just babyfaces or heels. 
Christopher Daniels employed Reynolds, Silver and Angels to do a commercial for vitamins. Silver ate all the vitamins before they could finish the ad. 
This week’s 50-plus for 50-plus featured Cutler changing the oil in his car. 
Jurassic Express met with The Young Bucks. They are teaming on Dynamite this week. They argued over who would take the heat in their match. Everyone tried to talk Luchasaurus into doing a Canadian destroyer but he was reluctant because his ex was Canadian. 
Best Friends and Orange Cassidy devised another plan to kill Cutler, this time with a tripwire. The plan failed. 
The closing scene saw each member of The Elite reacting to Hangman’s betrayal on Dynamite last week. The final shot ended on Kenny Omega in is car with his Cleaner sunglasses on.