– Courtesy of The Rock’s YouTube page, below is episode 1 of “Friday Night Fred” with the masked man who finished #4 in Rock’s recent “Rock The Promo” contest. This first episode features Wrestlin’ Fred talking to fans outside of a recent WWE RAW event. It was noted in the YouTube description that The Rock has summoned Fred to go out and speak to the people and that future episodes will see Fred “investigate topics of great importance such as philosophy, self-help, religion, sports, current events, celebrity happenings, and more!”
– Zack Ryder just hit a social media milestone of 2 million Twitter followers.
– As seen below, Eva Marie used this new bikini shoot video to send a message on Instagram:
Proud to be an American! And while posing for a photo shoot in a bikini isn’t what it means to be patriotic, It’s an attention grabber and will get a larger portion of people to see the message below
I’m proud to be an #American. I’m proud of the core principles this nation was founded on and what this country is capable of achieving. We are not a perfect nation, but we have the potential to achieve a greatness unparalleled in the history of the planet. In this age where it’s highly fashionable to #America bash, I chose to proudly declare my #love for my country, its people, the positive things it represents, and work towards improving its short comings. Patriotism is expressed in many different forms, it transcends political party lines, religious beliefs, ancestral countries of origin, or any of the other things that we are told divide us. We are not divided, we are one, we are Americans and what makes our country great is our ability to voice our differences with the knowledge that while we may not agree with one another, we would all fight tooth and nail to protect each other’s right to express those beliefs.
And I want to give a special and truly heart felt Thank you to all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who sacrifice and serve to protect the freedoms we enjoy at home. You are greatly appreciated.
Proud to be an American! ????And while posing for a photo shoot in a bikini isn’t what it means to be patriotic, It’s an attention grabber and will get a larger portion of people to see the message below ???? – I’m proud to be an #American. I’m proud of the core principles this nation was founded on and what this country is capable of achieving. We are not a perfect nation, but we have the potential to achieve a greatness unparalleled in the history of the planet. In this age where it’s highly fashionable to #America bash, I chose to proudly declare my #love for my country, its people, the positive things it represents, and work towards improving its short comings. Patriotism is expressed in many different forms, it transcends political party lines, religious beliefs, ancestral countries of origin, or any of the other things that we are told divide us. We are not divided, we are one, we are Americans and what makes our country great is our ability to voice our differences with the knowledge that while we may not agree with one another, we would all fight tooth and nail to protect each other’s right to express those beliefs. – And I want to give a special and truly heart felt Thank you to all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who sacrifice and serve to protect the freedoms we enjoy at home. You are greatly appreciated. – ?? @ignaciosgram [email protected]_glam
A video posted by Natalie Eva Marie (@natalieevamarie) on
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