(NEW HAMPTON, Iowa) — John Kerry, the former secretary of state and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, is endorsing Joe Biden for president, buoying the former vice president’s argument that his international experience should be a deciding factor for voters in 2020.
The Biden campaign rolled out Kerry’s endorsement as it continues to hammer President Donald Trump as a dangerous and erratic commander in chief and head of state. The campaign hammered the argument Wednesday with an online ad featuring video of other world leaders mocking Trump at a Buckingham Palace reception held alongside a NATO summit.
“I’ve never before seen the world more in need of someone who on day one can begin the incredibly hard work of putting back together the world Donald Trump has smashed apart,” Kerry said in a statement.
That echoes applause lines Biden uses often as he campaigns.
“The next president will inherit a world in disarray,” Biden said Thursday, touting his decades of foreign policy experience as a six-term Delaware senator and two-term vice president.
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