The show opens with a recap of the feud between the duos of Ariya Daivari and The Brian Kendrick and Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan. The opening credits roll. Aiden English and Jon Quasto are on commentary from Glendale, Arizona.
1. Raul Mendoza defeated Joaquin Wilde

An interview with Lio Rush airs. Before he can say too much, Tyler Breeze interrupts and says it was a hell of a match between Rush and Jordan Devlin on NXT. Rush tells him to get out of his face and walks away.
2. Tyler Breeze defeated Samir Singh (w/Sunil Singh)
-After the match, Breeze laid Sunil out with the Supermodel Kick.

In two weeks, there will be a Ten-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Lio Rush will select four other cruiserweights from NXT, while Tony Nese will select four other cruiserweights from 205 Live. Rush and Nese will go one-on-one next week.
3. Tag Team No Disqualification Match
Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeated Ariya Daivari and The Brian KendrickClick Here: brisbane broncos store